This research advances the understanding of the usability of marketing case study modules in the area of interactive web-based technologies through the assignment of seven interactive case modules in a Principles of Marketing course. The case modules were provided for marketing students by the publisher, McGraw Hill Irwin, of the Marketing textbook by Grewal and Levy (2010). Using a survey instrument, the study examines student perceptions of how useful the interactive modules are in students’ learning of the selected marketing concepts, how difficult/easy it is for students to use the modules, and how helpful the module assignments were in receiving a better course grade. The results indicated that students perceived that the modules were easy to use and useful in learning of the marketing concepts. The number of completed modules increased students’ actual course grade and module assignment grade. On an average, students indicated that the ideal number of interactive modules was seven in a semester. In addition, students’ class attendance was positively correlated with their grades. Lastly, females achieved a higher average module assignment grade than males did.