Technology Acceptance of Healthcare E-Learning Modules: A Study of Korean and Malaysian Students’ Perceptions
Educators today are moving towards transforming their teaching and learning methods from conventional teacher-centered approaches to student-centered learning approaches with the support of technology so as to better motivate students to participate and engage in their learning process. This study was developed as a joint collaborative effort between Inje University, South Korea, and Multimedia University, Malaysia, in order to investigate Korean and Malaysian students’ perceptions of an e-learning web module about health rooms in Korea. An e-learning web module was developed using Mayer’s (2001) Principles of Multimedia Learning and presented to Korean and Malaysian students. A Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) survey was developed to measure their perceptions of this e-learning website. Results show that students were positive in the Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease-of-Use (PEOU) constructs which in turn resulted in positive Attitudes Towards Usage (ATU) and Behavioral Intentions to Use (BIU) constructs in the application. The results thus show positive technology acceptance of the e-learning health room web module and provide positive encouragement for educators to develop interactive healthcare modules for e-learning.