The Instructors' Attitudes toward the Use of E-learning in Classroom in College of Education at Albaha University
E-learning is defined as an element of the combining theories of adult education and permanent learning. Teachers have to accept the use of E-learning in the classroom as a new tool to assist students' learning (Bahhouth & Bahhouth, 2011). The purpose of this study was to explore male and female instructors’ attitudes toward the use of E-learning in the College of Education at Albaha University in Saudi Arabia using different predictors that can determine instructors’ attitudes. Forty- five out of 100 instructors participated from both College of Education for males and females at Albaha University. Forty- one total responses were used in the analysis after removing four cases of outliers, and the response rate of the study was 92%. The results showed that males group reported a mean of M= 124.46 with standard deviation of SD= 25.84 while females group reported a mean of M= 139.20 with standard deviation of SD= 13.25. The analysis showed four predictors, gender, perceived of computer attributes, perceived of computer competence in education, and perceived of cultural of using computer in education, significantly predicted the dependent variable (N= 41, β = .047, p< 0.05). The results showed there was significant difference between males’ and females’ attitudes toward the use of E-learning in classroom. A T- test between the means gave t (-2, 051) = -2.410 at p < 0.047. As p < 0.05, the results indicated that there were statistical significant differences in the attitudes ... means as shown in Table of result .047. The findings showed that females' group had positive attitudes higher than males.