The Effect of Data-Based Translation Program Used in Foreign Language Education on the Correct Use of Language
It has been observed that data-based translation programs are often used both in and outside the class unconsciously and thus there occurs many problems in foreign language learning and teaching. To draw attention to this problem, with this study, whether the program has satisfactory results or not has been revealed by making translations from German to Turkish, German to English, Turkish to German, Turkish to English, English to German and English to Turkish by the help of Google Translate program and the effects of the results on the education have been discussed by analyzing them according to the word, syntax, semantics and grammar. In this study, although Google Translate program has been considered as the basic translation program, here what is really meant is that all the data-based translation programs show the same result.It would be wrong to say this type of translation programs are totally negative; however it is a fact that it can mislead the new learners of a foreign language and push them to laziness. For this reason, in this study the errors of the translation programs and the points that foreign language learners should pay attention have been mentioned and the necessity that they should review the translations they make again and again has been revealed.