Validation of a Conceptual Quality Framework for Online and Blended Learning with Success Factors and Indicators in Adult Education: a qualitative study
This qualitative study was designed to identify a framework for the quality of OBL in adult education (AE), which are of interest to the needs of students. Following a review of the literature, we opted for the theoretical framework as proposed by Ossiannilsson and Landgren ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"2c1jie20d6","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Ossiannilsson & Landgren, 2012)","plainCitation":"(Ossiannilsson & Landgren, 2012)"},"citationItems":[{"id":40,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":40,"type":"article-journal","title":"Quality in e-learning – a conceptual framework based on experiences from three international benchmarking projects","container-title":"Journal of Computer Assisted Learning","page":"42-51","volume":"28","issue":"1","source":"Wiley Online Library","archive":"58","abstract":"Between 2008 and 2010, Lund University took part in three international benchmarking projects, E-xcellence+, the eLearning Benchmarking Exercise 2009, and the First Dual-Mode Distance Learning Benchmarking Club. A comparison of these models revealed a rather high level of correspondence. From this finding and from desktop studies of the current discourse regarding e-learning, a conceptual framework for e-learning has emerged based on a range of critical success factors. This model could be used as a foundation for future e-learning and as an inspiration to develop, implement, evaluate, and internalize e-learning. It shows that various aspects of accessibility, flexibility, interactiveness, personalization, and productivity should be embedded in all levels of management and services within the field of e-learning in higher education. To meet students' expectations, demands, and rights, these critical issues should be taken into account from a holistic perspective with transparency and innovation in mind. Therefore, successful e-learning requires change from an organizational as well as a pedagogical perspective. One conclusion from this study is that a revolution is on the way and that learning will be reoriented along paradigms of collaboration and networking. Globalization, sustainability, and lifelong learning will be some of the leading concepts in this process.","DOI":"10.1111/j.1365-2729.2011.00439.x","ISSN":"1365-2729","note":"58","language":"en","author":[{"family":"Ossiannilsson","given":"E."},{"family":"Landgren","given":"L."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2012"]]}}}],"schema":""} (2012). This framework suggests success factors for OBL that are of interest to the needs of students. Qualitative data was collected through group interviews (n=12 groups) with stakeholders involved in AE. Professionals from five institutions, at the policy level (n=17) or programme level (n=20) were interviewed. Findings were discussed and agreed upon by the researchers to validate a quality framework for OBL in AE. At the level of the success factors, it is useful to underpin the adoption of OBL, to formulate a mission statement. The indicators can help set goals, identify resources and strategies and measure whether the provision aligns with adult students’ needs. All success factors and indicators are linked to quality areas and dimensions most existing quality frames are built on. At this level the framework is useful to mainstream the quality of OBL into traditional frameworks.