High School Students’ Proficiency Perceptions to the Usage of Technology Products at Physics Lessons



The aim of this study wasis to determine the opinions of high school students’ proficiency perceptions towards the technology products and their usage at physics lessons. Mixed method including quantitative and qualitative data collection tools was used for data collection. The study group consisted of 514 students studying at High Schools. The proficiency perceptions of high school students related to what they identified as technology products and the usage of these products at physics lessons were collected via 5 point Likert type scale developed by the researchers. The Cronbach α reliability coefficient of the developed scale was found as 0.84. The analysis of the scale data was conducted via SPSS packaged software with descriptive statistics methods. To analyze thoroughly the students’ perceptions related to the technology products and their usage, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 34 volunteer students who were among the same study group. According to the results from the scale, although the students stated that they generally found their competencies to technology usage as good, the results from the interviews showed that the efficacy perceptions of students to these products were not only limited, also they did not use them effective enough in some subjects even poor or no knowledge or skill at all.