A Scale Development Study for Determining Caricature Reading Skills of Students
An achievement test was prepared to determine students' caricature reading skills. In the first draft of the achievement test, 32 test items and four choices were prepared for each question. The item analysis of the data obtained from the pre-application was made and the internal consistency coefficient (KR-20) was calculated as 0.67 for the reliability of the scale. The mean of item discrimination of the achievement test is 0.34 and the mean of item difficulty is 0.38. After the pre-application, it was decided (concluded) that the achievement test was feasible (applicable), and general application was initiated. General application was performed on 160 sixth-grade students. As a result of the item analysis, it was seen that item difficulty levels of achievement test were between 0.32 and 0.67.The mean of difficulty index of the test was determined to be 0.50. The test items, was found to be between 0.20 and 0.72. Items 2 and 6 with a value less than 0.30 were removed from the scale due to their low discrimination strength index. The reliability coefficient was calculated as 0.85. A valid and reliable 30-item assessment tool was created to determine students' caricature reading skills. Caricature reading scale has been considered as a valid and reliable assessment instrument to be used to detect the caricature reading students’ skills.