Brain Activities and Educational Technology
Brain Activities :
There are close relationships between brain activities and educational technology . Brain is very important and so complicated part in our bodies . from long time scientists pay attention to that part and did many experiments , but they just reached little information like a drop in the sea . However from time to time they gave us some light to recognize the human brain , Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828 ) for example put the based system or Phrenology map for the brain because he believed that the brain was made up of about 30 organs each responsible for a single trait, and his student Spurzheim ( 1776-1832) continue his work . But the scientists don’t accept that system . Wilder Penfield mentioned that phrenology was wrong. New techniques showed us many brain activities during people doing action and thought that may be they will reach like that system in the future . Butterworth & Harris( 1994 ) mentioned that there is a growth spurt of the brain between the age of 5 and 7 years , especially in the region of the frontal lobes .This part of the brain play an important role in planning and in the sequential origination of action and thought. So the techniques showed us many areas of brain activities . for example , ( PET) scan illustrate the different areas of the brain that are activities during various tasks involving language such as hearing words; seeing words; speaking words; and generating words. In this case we need to study brain activities more and more in order to find these areas in our brain which is related to our actions . These techniques show that auditory stimulation resting state and language , music, and show various types of brain behavior . These areas used in various aspect of language activity; hearing, seeing, speaking, and thinking . Using techniques for recording brain activities by illuminating active parts of the brain, positron emotion tomography scan and uses radioactive injections; magnetic resonance imaging uses nuclear scanning techniques.