The Use of Arduino in Physics Laboratories



Arduino is easy to use because it is a simple system. In addition, since Arduino has an open source code system, it is a system that is open to everyone's use, can be developed and can be easily implemented. Anyone who wants to use Arduino can buy and use the necessary parts for their application. It is a platform that can be very useful in the physics lab due to its low price and wide availability of sensors and transducers. In this article, the Arduino platform is briefly introduced, and by installing an RC circuit, the charge-discharge curve of the capacitor has been drawn on the serial plotter. In addition, distance measurement was calculated by using an ultrasonic distance sensor and time measurement between two sensor events was calculated with two infrared obstacle sensors. The measurement results are given in the serial monitor. As a result, several examples of what can be done in laboratories in physics experiments using Arduino and some sensors have been shown.