Blockchain: A Content Analysis of Graduate Theses in Turkey



This study aims to make a descriptive analysis and evaluation of postgraduate theses on blockchain technology conducted in Turkey between 2017 and 2021. Qualitative research methods were used in this research, and theses were analysed with the descriptive content analysis technique. It has been observed that 111 studies have been carried out on blockchain technology and the first thesis was prepared in 2017. 107 graduate studies registered in the Higher Education Council of Turkey’s National Thesis Centre database with access permissions were examined. Theses are coded according to publication date, university, institute, department, graduate/ doctorate level, advisors' academic title, thesis language, research method, research sub-areas, city and the region where the thesis was written. Studies on blockchain have been carried out in many universities, and Marmara University is the university that contributes the most to the subject with its graduate studies. Most studies were conducted at the Applied Sciences and Institute for Social Sciences. The distribution of the universities where the thesis studies are conducted according to the geographical regions is examined, the Marmara region leads with 70 studies, and no thesis studies have been carried out in the Eastern Anatolia region. Most of the thesis administrators are faculty members with the title of "Assist. Prof. Dr.". Most of the studies were written in Turkish, and primarily Qualitative Research methods were used. Theses were carried out in 10 institutes and 36 different departments, and most of the theses were produced from the studies in the Business department. The findings of this study will guide other researchers who want to work in the field of blockchain.