The purpose of the case study was to understand the use of technology,
particularly AI, for public middle school teachers in Michigan for critical
thinking and problem-solving skills among students. The theory that guided this
study was the constructivist theory. The constructivist learning theory involves
people learning from their experiences and prior background knowledge.
Consistent with the case study, the focus was on using AI in the classroom to
engage learners and create criical thinkers and problem solvers for 21st-century
skills. This qualitative study primarily sought to investigate educators' views
regarding students' critical thinking abilities and assess how educators use
artificial intelligence in the classroom to facilitate student opportunities to
participate in problem-solving activities. The qualitative case collected data
from middle school educators and gained insight into experiences with
technology, particularly AI, in the classroom. Data collection consisted of
observations and interviews. The analysis used triangulation to determine themes
and reveal if AI correlates in the classroom with instruction to create critical
thinking skills and authentic experiences. The results from the study included a
minimal amount of AI in the middle school setting, participants not being
comfortable with how to implement AI in the educational setting, and students
not progressing adequately in critical thinking.