The Value of Bukit Kepong as an Educational Film: A Research
Before the birth of multimedia, films were the major media that could combine audio, visual, movement, color and three-dimensional effects in one presentation. Although its inception was as an entertainment media but researchs found that films could be used as an instructional tool. In this research Bukit Kepong (1980), a locally-produced film, was subjected to a critical examination in terms of its value as an educational film. The main aims of the research were to identify the educational values potrayed in Bukit Kepong and to evaluate it as an educational film. 80 in-service teachers were the research respondents. Data were gathered through a triangulation approach: a survey (questionnaire), an elite interview and film narrative content analysis. Research findings showed that although Bukit Kepong was not produced specifically as an educational film it could be utilized as an insructional media for many educational values were embedded in it.