In this study of “Occupational Survey of Refrigeration Technicians” in which the “Task Inventory Questionnaires” have been developed, we aim at determining the vocational psychomotor competencies (skills) of refrigeration technicians for effectively carrying out the occupational duties in labor-life. In the first phase of the study, for implementing that purpose, by means of job/task analysis, it has been determined some fundamental psychomotor competencies indicating what is done in labor-life for refrigeration technicians. In the second phase of the study, it has been founded out the degrees of frequency, importance, and difficulty of these competencies determined for refrigeration technicians by applying “Task Inventory Questionnaires” to selected technical personnel in refrigeration industry. In addition to determining these degrees, it also founded out the correlation between the calculated values of frequency, importance, and difficulty among the respondents. In the light of the findings, in the third phase of the study, some recommendations were made for development of refrigeration technician education.