Investigating the Perceived Effectiveness of ChatGPT in Facilitating Learning
This study explores the development and evaluation of a chatbot model designed to facilitate learning within a department of a university. The project aims to enhance the learning experience by incorporating customized data into the chatbot's knowledge base, enabling personalized and context-aware interactions. The research investigates the effectiveness of the chatbot model in improving learning outcomes, enhancing user engagement, and providing tailored support to students in the department.
The development of the chatbot model is detailed, including technology selection, data acquisition, preprocessing, and model architecture. The study also demonstrates creating web applications by Streamlit, Vector Database by Supabase, and graphical user interface by Tkinter.
The chatbot model demonstrates its effectiveness in enhancing the learning experience within the department. By continuously refining the model and exploring advancements in technology, chatbots have the potential to become integral tools in future educational practices, providing personalized and engaging learning experiences.