The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology

... a quarterly, open access, peer reviewed international electronic journal

ISSN: Old (1303 - 6521), New: (2146-7242)    


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Current Issue

Vol. 23 Issue 3 - 2024

Special Issues

Guest Editors










Past Issues



TOJET has been in ERIC Index (Education Resources Information Center) since Volume 1  Issue 1, 2002.


International Educational Technology Conference web site published to access all past conferences and proceedings.


TOJET Guest Editor for April 2017

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Anita G. Welch

TOJET Guest Editor for July 2017

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Xiongyi Liu

TOJET Guest Editor for October 2017

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Amirul Mukminin

TOJET Guest Editor for January 2018

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Lan Li

TOJET Guest Editor for October 2024

Assist.Prof.Dr. Nadiah Abdul Aziz

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